Belarusian oilmen are drilling sidetracks in Ukraine

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Works under the contract with the Ukrhazdobycha are performed by OOO Service Oil, a subsidiary of Belorusneft. The first site for the new service of Belarusians in Ukraine was well No. 81 of Chutovskaya Square. We worked on a Canadian drilling rig K-125.

The depth of the well is 3.1 thousand meters. The project cut out the window and drilled the lateral barrel at a depth of 2.6 thousand meters.

One of the features of this contract is the approach we selected. If in other Ukrainian projects the Belarusians work mainly on a separate service scheme, here - by the general contractor's system "turnkey". The accompanying service is partly borne by the customer, but the main part of the job is done by the Belarusian workers. For example, specialists of Belorusneft Department for enhanced oil recovery and well workover - are engaged in telemetric supervision of drilling.

The customer recognizes the authority of the employees of "Belorusneft". Such experience as they have, in this segment of the Ukrainian market, no one has - the Belarusian company has been drilling sidetracks since 1996, and in different geological conditions.

This is connected with the real prospects of Belorusneft to gain a foothold in Ukraine with this kind of oilfield services. In the near future, a second sidetracking crew is planned to enter this country and start working at a new well.


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