Rosgeo studied the hydrocarbon prospects of 6 areas in Taimyr, Kamchatka and the Urals

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AO Geologorazvedka (the company is a part of Rosgeo state parent company) completed a combined interpretation of new and gathered geological and geophysical materials on 6 objects located in Taimyr, Kamchatka, and in the Sverdlovsk Region.

The works were performed from the federal budget recourses under the state contract signed in 2016 between the parent company and the Department for subsoil use in the Siberian Federal District (Rosnedra).

The company specialists processed field gravity and magnetic prospecting materials, and interpreted geological-geophysical data of the areas where Rosgeo’s subsidiaries performed the works.

The information on the Oltumsk area was analyzed (the area is located in the Central part of the West Siberian plate), Central Taimyr (Central part of the Yenisei-Khatangsk trough), Eastern Taimyr (Eastern part of the Anabaro-Yenisei interfluve), North of Taimyr (connection area of the West Siberian plate and Yenisei–Khatanga trough), Rekinniksk (Central part of Pustoretsk trough, the Kamchatka Krai), and also in Anabaro-Laptev Region.

The preliminary conclusions were made on the peculiarities of hydrocarbon deposits arrangement in accordance with the structural-tectonic and structural-compositional conditions in these areas. All new selected estimated objects were divided into two categories, i.e. more and less promising.

Combined data interpretation of high-accurate gravimetric survey (in some areas and land magnetic survey), and also seismic prospecting considering the results of estimated and geophysical exploration allowed to determine a number of objects, which can be identified with possible hydrocarbon traps. Within the Oltusk area and its margin, there were selected 6 local objects to carry out more detailed studies: in the Central Taimyr – 7, the East Taimyr – 19, the North-Taimyr – 1, Rekinniksk – 4, in the Anabaro-Laptev Region – 17.


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