U.S. weekly offshore rig count drops down a notch

Courtesy of teknoblog.ru

The number of offshore rigs in the U.S. decreased by one unit over the last week, according to a weekly rig count report by Baker Hughes.

Baker Hughes Rig Count: U.S. -73 to 529 rigs

U.S. Rig Count is down 73 rigs from last week to 529, with oil rigs down 66 to 438, gas rigs down 7 to 89, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 2.

U.S. Rig Count is down 483 rigs from last year’s count of 1,012, with oil rigs down 387, gas rigs down 98, and miscellaneous rigs up 2 to 2.

The U.S. Offshore Rig Count is down 1 rig from last week to 17 and down 6 year-over-year.

Baker Hughes Rig Count: Canada -5 rigs to 30 rigs

Canada Rig Count is down 5 rigs from last week to 30, with oil rigs up 1 to 7 and gas rigs down 6 to 23.

Canada Rig Count is down 36 rigs from last year’s count of 66, with oil rigs down 12 and gas rigs down 24.

Source: offshore-energy.biz

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